Drought Cripples Zambia’s Power Supply, Highlighting Africa’s Energy Vulnerability

Solar Entrepreneur Penny Mupeta with customer Missaly Kalale SKP 400- Zambia - Large

Zambia is facing its most severe electricity crisis in decades, as a devastating drought has crippled the country’s primary source of power, the Kariba Dam. The dam, which forms the world’s largest man-made lake by volume, has experienced a dramatic drop in water levels, forcing a near-total shutdown of its hydroelectric power generation.

This drought-induced power crisis has plunged Zambia into darkness, with rolling blackouts lasting for days and severely impacting businesses, households, and essential services. Less than half of the country’s population had access to electricity before the crisis, and now millions more are struggling to cope with the lack of power.

“Only God knows when this crisis will end,” lamented a local welder, forced to rely on an expensive and unreliable diesel generator to power his business.

The situation highlights the vulnerability of African nations reliant on hydropower, a renewable energy source that is highly susceptible to the impacts of climate change. Prolonged droughts, exacerbated by rising temperatures, are becoming more frequent and intense across the continent, threatening the reliability of hydroelectric power generation and hindering economic development.

Zambia, like many other African countries, is heavily dependent on hydropower, which accounts for over 80% of its electricity supply. The Kariba Dam, built in the 1950s on the Zambezi River, was intended to provide a reliable source of renewable energy for Zambia and Zimbabwe. However, the prolonged drought, fueled by the El Niño weather pattern and climate change, has exposed the limitations of relying solely on hydropower.

The crisis has had a devastating impact on Zambia’s economy and the daily lives of its citizens. Businesses are struggling to operate, children are forced to study by candlelight, and families are resorting to alternative cooking methods, often relying on firewood or charcoal, contributing to deforestation and air pollution.

“This crisis is worse than the COVID-19 pandemic,” said a representative from the Zambia Association of Manufacturers, highlighting the severity of the economic impact.

The Zambian government has urged citizens and businesses to adopt solar power as an alternative energy source. However, the high cost of solar technology remains a barrier for many Zambians. The government itself has resorted to using diesel generators to power essential services, a costly and polluting solution.

Experts warn that the overreliance on hydropower in Africa is becoming increasingly unsustainable as climate change intensifies.

“Prolonged droughts and extreme weather patterns are making it clear that we cannot solely depend on hydroelectricity,” emphasized an expert on energy policy in Africa.

Key Takeaways:

  • A severe drought in southern Africa has crippled Zambia’s power supply, leading to widespread blackouts and a severe economic crisis.
  • The crisis highlights the vulnerability of African nations reliant on hydropower to the impacts of climate change, particularly prolonged droughts.
  • The Zambian government is urging the adoption of solar power, but cost and infrastructure challenges remain.

The situation in Zambia underscores the urgent need for African nations to diversify their energy sources, invest in climate-resilient infrastructure, and develop strategies to mitigate the impacts of climate change on their economies and societies. The overreliance on hydropower, while providing a source of renewable energy, is becoming increasingly risky as climate change intensifies, jeopardizing energy security and hindering sustainable development.

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Qusai Ahmad is the founder of "Speak Accounting," a platform dedicated to simplifying Accounting and Excel for learners of all levels. Through insightful blog posts and comprehensive courses, Qusai Ahmad empowers individuals to master accounting principles and Excel skills with ease.