What percentage of personal finance is head knowledge?

What percentage of personal finance is head knowledge

Head knowledge percentage of personal finance

Managing money might sound like it’s all about math and complicated stuff, but that’s not quite how it works. You don’t need to be a math genius or a finance expert to succeed financially. Actually, Head knowledge percentage of personal finance is only about 20 percent of making your money work for you is about knowing the technical details. The rest, a big 80 percent, is about how you behave and how you think about money.

The Dave Ramsey Effect

You might have heard of Dave Ramsey – he’s a money expert who’s helped a lot of people get rid of their debts and take control of their money. Through his popular radio show, “The Dave Ramsey Show,” and his money tips, Ramsey says that getting money right is more about being smart with your choices and having the right attitude than doing complicated calculations.

The 20 Percent You Need to Know

Sure, understanding things like budgets, investing, and dealing with debt is useful, but it’s only a tiny part of the whole money picture. Think of it as about 20 cents out of every dollar. This “know-how” helps you start, but it’s not the whole game. Learning to make a budget, setting goals, and getting the basics of investing are handy skills, though.

The 80 Percent About How You Act

Here’s the bigger deal: 80 cents out of every dollar is about what you do and how you think. It’s like the heart of the money matter. Stopping yourself from spending too much, not buying unnecessary stuff, and sticking to a money plan are really important. They’re the keys to making your money life better.

Money Mind Games

Understanding how your brain works with money is part of that 80 percent. How you feel about spending, saving, and using money matters a lot. Your emotions, what other people do, and even stuff that happened when you were a kid can change how you deal with money now.
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Building Good Money Habits

A huge part of getting good with money is forming strong habits. It’s not just about knowing stuff – it’s about doing the right things again and again. Like saving some money from every paycheck, paying off debts step by step, and not getting loans you don’t really need. Those actions add up to having money and peace in the long run.

Take a look at our post: “10 Essential Tips for Effective Budgeting: Master Your Finances Today!”

Going Beyond the 80/20 Rule

While the 80/20 rule is a helpful guideline, it’s also important to note that personal finance isn’t always cut and dry. Some situations might require a bit more technical knowledge, especially if you’re dealing with complex investments, tax strategies, or business finances. It’s a balance – having a solid understanding of the basics gives you a foundation to handle more complex matters when they arise.


So, remember, it’s not just about knowing facts and figures when it comes to your money. Experts like Dave Ramsey and real-life stories show that only about 20 percent of success is knowing the technical side. The other 80 percent is about changing how you act, having good habits, and understanding your feelings about money.

If you want to really rock at handling your money, start by getting your money thoughts in order, making smart money moves, and sticking to good money habits. To learn more, check out “The Dave Ramsey Show” for extra money wisdom.

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Qusai Ahmad is the founder of "Speak Accounting," a platform dedicated to simplifying Accounting and Excel for learners of all levels. Through insightful blog posts and comprehensive courses, Qusai Ahmad empowers individuals to master accounting principles and Excel skills with ease.